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Brownie Scotus

Egeo quis artifex manus et digitos trahunt!

My Lady Inspiration’s daughter, surdus natus, operatur in cochleae accepit 2005 audi possunt,. As I started to write about the Scottish Brownie I needed a name for the heroine. Interrogavi quæ amice, vicissim, asked her daughter if I could borrow the daughter’s name. Puella nomen in honore European dedit mihi regina utere nomen eius fabulis nisi puella fit in historia regina. (Major em statu!)

Fabiola prima adventure! An evil witch has kidnapped Fabiola’s mother and little sister. Fabiola would have been captured also but the brownie that lived in Fabiola’s kitchen came to the rescue. Fabiola is totally deaf and must rely on the brownie and a new friend as she tries to free her family.

Illa cognoscit eam surda novus et, sed modo habet eam communicare – a sign language that he learned in a school. The school’s teacher was a princess – could she be the princess from ‘The Deaf Prince’?

Maecenas maior difficultas publisher inveniens – there is a small problem with this story. I need a name for the brownie. The name I used while writing it is in reality the name of a major European company. Quia nolo opus novum iudicium.

Si sententia pro nomine legationem mittere volui tibi placeat. Quis scit, tibi ius esset nomen hc heros.

