


The biggest news to date this year is the launch of The Deaf Prince’s Facebook page. Everyone needs to follow it and invite their friends to follow along!

There will be lots of exciting news in the days ahead!



She still waves!

Twenty years ago today I was on active duty with the United States Air Force. I was part of the shield defending the United States from attack. My grandson, Anthony, was approaching his second birthday.

Ten years ago today I was traveling in Germany, Anthony was in school, and his young brother was approaching his first birthday. The shield was dented when the towers fell.

Today, I’m at home, Anthony’s brother is home, and his wife cares for their daughter who celebrated her 1st bitrhday in July. Anthony is on duty with the United States Air Force Reserve.

Today Anthony is part of the shield. Thank you to Anthony, the members of his Air Reserve unit, and his fellow airmen, soldiers, sailors, and marines.


A hero known only to God!

I was walking with my inspiration in Cochem, Germany on the day the mission started. We went back to the apartment to watch the news. After watching the Towers fall, 彼女の母は第二次世界大戦を生き延びたの話 – 彼女は爆弾やキャンプを生き延びた!

I am thinking of my Inspiration and her mother on the day it was completed.

This is a prayer for my brothers in arms – the sword and shield that keeps America free from oppression. May God protect you in your task.


ご支援のための私の読者のみんな、ありがとう. 私が読んでいない, 考える, 研究, あなたの意見に感謝.

I want people to read as many of the pages as you want. If you see something you like and want to comment on it, you can leave your comments on that page. I started this web site to generate interest in my books. I established comment categories for the DMV and Fairy Tale pages so I can collect data on those topics. Leaving comments on specific pages will show potential publishers that I have a potential audience for those type of books.


あなたは、1つまたは公開されて自分の童話の本のすべてをご覧になりたい方は, そのページにコメントを残してください. This is especially important as the target audience of my fairy tales is a very small one – deaf children aged 2 に 6.

Again, thanks for your past and future support,



I welcome you to my site. I think it appropriate that my first post have a picture I took from an airplane during one of many journeys. I think most people love to travel, either across the street to visit a friend or across the ocean to see a castle. I am a writer who wants to take people on journeys to distant places through my words.

Readers and publishing representatives are welcome to offer their comments