戻る おとぎ話のインスピレーション



トーマスは、ほぼ3歳のある日, 彼とクリスティーナは、城の中庭で演奏. As Thomas ran to his mother he tripped over a piece of wood on the ground and hit his head on a rock. Queen Lilli ran to him. Thomas had a big bruise on the side of his head. He was knocked out for two days. Queen Lilli and Christina were with Thomas when he woke up.

“元気ですか?” his mother asked. Thomas looked at his mother.

“トーマス,” Christina said. Thomas did not look at Christina.

“トーマス!” Christina yelled. Thomas still did not look at Christina.

Lady Diana brought the doctor. A few minutes later the Doctor talked to the King, 女王, クリスティーナ, とレディダイアナ.

“トーマスは聞くことができない. 私は彼を治すことができない,” 医者は言った.

Everyone was sad. Queen Lilliana, クリスティーナ, とレディダイアナは叫んだ。.

妖精の女王はトーマスを訪れたローズするときに、彼女はキングウィリアムに言った, “私は助けることがしたい, しかし妖精の魔法は、このような怪我を癒すことはできない。”

“はい, 私が知っている, 女王は、ローズ。”

Christina came to the King and Fairy Queen. She pulled on the King’s hand and said, “トーマス! トーマス!”

King William and Queen Rose followed Christina to Thomas’s bedroom. He lay on the floor, crying. King William hugged him and Thomas quit crying.

“クリスティーナは彼の親友です。?” 女王が求めローズ.

“はい,” キングウィリアムは言った.

“良好な! I give her the power to talk with Thomas.”

“He can’t hear. How will she talk to him?” King William asked.

“She will. That is all I can tell you,” クイーンローズは言った.

Thomas is a young prince in a fairy tale kingdom who loses his hearing at a young age. Because he is deaf, he never learns to speak with his mouth. His friend Christina is the daughter of a duke and a fairy princess. Although Christina has no magical powers, she is the one who teaches Thomas ‘listen’ and ‘speak’.