Keyrsla Comments

Þakka þér fyrir öllum lesendum mínum fyrir stuðninginn. Ég les, hugsa um, Rannsóknir, og þökkum athugasemdir.

I want people to read as many of the pages as you want. If you see something you like and want to comment on it, you can leave your comments on that page. I started this web site to generate interest in my books. I established comment categories for the DMV and Fairy Tale pages so I can collect data on those topics. Leaving comments on specific pages will show potential publishers that I have a potential audience for those type of books.

Ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar um DMV þú getur skilið eftir comment á hvaða DMV síðu.

Ef þú vildi eins og til að sjá eina eða allar af mínum Fairy Tale bókum gefnum út, þóknast leyfi a athugasemd á þessari síðu. This is especially important as the target audience of my fairy tales is a very small one – deaf children aged 2 til 6.

Again, thanks for your past and future support,
