Les histoires ont été inspirés par une femme que j'ai rencontrée en ligne qui vit à Berlin, Allemagne. At the time she taught a class of fourteen first graders who were all deaf to one degree or another. En outre, jeune fille de la dame était aussi sourd.
Thus was born “The Deaf Prince.” It tells the story of a royal child who goes deaf and of his friend who learns to ‘talk’ to the young Prince.
Mon ami m'a dit de raconter «Les sourds-Prince» sa fille et de la révélation de sa fille - «Je ne pense pas que les gens importants pourraient être sourd!"
En essayant d'obtenir "Le Prince sourds», publié, I ran into an economic roadblock. Every publisher I submitted the books to rejected the stories mainly because of the small size of the target audience (trois à six ans les enfants sourds). I realize there is a smaller audience for my books than for a normal fairy tale, but theese children need the stories as much as the children who can hear. There is also another audience that the publishers overlooked – libraries. There are over 150,000 bibliothèques d'écoles publiques élémentaires et aux États-Unis, dont la plupart ont un ou plusieurs enfants sourds dans leur école, la ville, or county.
I have since added two more stories to the collection. These two stories are about Fabiola and her friend. Fabiola is totally deaf while her friend can only hear very loud noises. They team up with a Scottish brownie to free Fabiola’s mother and sister from an evil witch.
I created this web page to solicit help in proving to a publisher that they should accept the challenge of printing these important books. I need friends and relatives of deaf children to offer me comments that I can use in getting a publisher to accept the series for publication. I also need librarians at all levels to join the individuals in leaving supporting comments. If you know of a Deaf Society or library who might be interested in helping me, S'il vous plaît contactez-.
I am sure with your help I will find a publisher quickly.